Marine Megafauna Foundation Canada
We are dedicated to the protection of marine megafauna through conservation, research and education.
About MMF Canada
Marine Megafauna Foundation Canada (“MMF Canada”) focuses on educating and engaging Canadians on the importance of research into and the protection of marine megafauna habitats to preserve and enhance the biodiversity essential to the ocean and to human life. MMF Canada has volunteers and agents to carry out its activities in Canada and around the world.

Protect the environment by preserving marine ecosystems through the maintenance, restoration and preservation of the marine megafauna habitat.
Conduct research into marine megafauna and publicly disseminate the results.
Advance education by developing and delivering courses and seminars to the public relating to marine megafauna.
MMF researcher Nakia Cullain engaged Hawthorn Elementary students in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia about MMF's shark and ray research in Mozambique. The students, from primaries to grade 6, eagerly absorbed the information, asking outstanding questions. Their enthusiasm, coupled with positive feedback from parents, hints we may have sparked future marine biologists' interests in Canada!

Working on achieving protected status for marine megafauna;
Providing the scientific justification for the establishment of marine protected areas, marine sanctuaries, and locally managed marine areas;
Assisting various governments in the process of establishing and monitoring marine protected areas;
Helping to develop management strategies that safeguard threatened marine megafauna species;
Conducting baseline surveys to assess the health of ecosystems;
Analyzing trend data to evaluate the progress of conservation action; and
Working with local and national governments to monitor and preserve the health of national fisheries and creating local fishery management plans.
Some of the projects that your contribution will help support include:
Tracking female whale sharks
Microplastic, manta ray, and turtle monitoring
Wedgefish tagging in Mozambique
Studying a rare manta ray nursery in South Florida
Dive training and equipment for staff in Tofo Beach
First of its kind marlin tagging in Mozambique
Education about whales in Canada
Reef ray ecology
How you can help
Please give what you can and help protect the oceans through ocean giant research and conservation!

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